Business Calc - Complete Business Infrastructure System

Adaptable & Reliable

Do you have time to give all of your customers the best service?

Give all of your customer base the 5 star treatment that they deserve and will come to expect from you. Keep all of your customer and product information safely in one place, set trade or quantity discounts and manage your supply chain from one user friendly control panel. Instantly connect with your customers through our automated email notification system. Track orders and let the system tell your customers when their orders are ready.

Do you really know who your best customers are?

See full customer sales reports for previous years with projected figures for the current year, We all know who our best few customers are but you might be surprised when drilling down into the figures who are your next most profitable and deserving of a little more cultivation.

Are you getting the most out of your staff?

Manage staff roles and responsibilities by assigning them documents to be completed and adding jobs to their own 'task list'. These can be arranged in order of importance and checked off once completed allowing office staff to see the progress of each job without physically checking. All documents are assigned required by dates and expected completion dates allowing the person answering the phone and replying to the emails to under promise and over deliver. Sales and reception staff shouldn't be wasting time checking on the progress of work. They need to have that information at the click of a button and fill your customers with confidence.

How is your time best spent?

When used to it's full potential our system allows business leaders to fully organise themselves and their staff whilst being as time and margin efficient as possible.

Below is a list of some functions available

Most importantly are you getting paid on time?

You may give terms to your customers, pay upon completion or require a pro forma payment. For businesses giving terms the difference between sending that invoice on the last day of the month or waiting and getting around to it a day later means that you will be getting paid around 30 days late. Cash flow is essential to any successful business and it can not be ignored. Using the Business Calc system there is no excuse for not giving the customer their bill immediately when appropriate. An accurate price will already be in the system so there is no need to go back to the desk and write out a bill or have to remember what your costs were or how long you spent on that project. The longer the invoice is left the harder it is to accurately bill. At the click of a button the invoice can be paid and a copy either printed and handed to your customer or be in their email inbox waiting for them.

More Features

Get your very own Business Calc!

Does the Business Calc System sound perfect for your business?

Get in touch with our team today by clicking the button below or using our on site chat system. A member of our team will answer any questions you may have about the Business Calc System, We look forward to hearing from you.

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